Tues is not simply a small bag containing liquids, enzymes and chemicals, but also contain physical structures are so perfectly composed, called organelles and is essential for cell function. For example, without the mitochondria, it is more than 95% of energy supplied by the cell would soon disappear.
Cytoplasm filled with particles and organelles either small or large, with sizes from several nanometers to a few micrometer. Part of the cytoplasm of clear liquid in which particles called didispersikan cytosol containing mainly proteins, electrolytes, glucose and less fat soluble mixture. Part of the cytoplasm immediately below the cell membrane Barada often contain microfilaments, microfilaments are mainly composed of actin fibrialle. This is a booster material resembling the cell membrane half-solid gel (semisolid). Cytoplasmic region called the cortex or ektoplasma. Cytoplasm which is located between the cortex and nuclear membrane and the liquid is called reticulum.
In the cytoplasm is spread various materials, namely neutral fat globules, glycogen granules, ribosomes, secretory granules and five kinds of the most important organelles endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lysosomes and peroxisomes.
1. Nucleus of the cell (nucleus)
Cell nucleus is a central regulator of cell activity. Nucleus contains large amounts of DNA called genes. Genes found on chromosome function to regulate RNA synthesis characteristics of the protein needed for a variety of enzymatic activities, and regulate cell reproduction. Cell nucleus consisting of nucleolus, nucleus nukleoplasma and cell membranes.
Membrane in the cell nucleus consisting of 2 layers, where the outer layer associated with a diameter large enough to pass by the protein molecules synthesized in the cell nucleus.
In the cytoplasm there that do not contain nucleoli membrane. Nucleolus contains many RNA and protein and increases in size when the current synthesize proteins. Genes regulate protein synthesis and RNA and save it in the nucleolus. RNA and protein will be in transport out into the cytoplasm through the porus is at the core of the cell membrane.
DNA found on the chromosome is double stranded structure (double helix) which consists of:
1. Phosphate
2. Group pentose (sugar) that is deoxyribose
3. Purine bases nitrogen namely: adenine and guanine; pirimidine: sitosine and thymine
And pentose phosphate groups to form the physical structure of DNA, whereas the 4 different bases was carried genetic information. In DNA, adenine always binds with thymine and guanine always bound to sitosine.
Because DNA is located in the cell nucleus was almost all cell activity occurs in the cytoplasm, the RNA formed which can diffuse into the cytoplasm to regulate specific protein synthesis. RNA formation process is governed by the DNA transcription process.
Differences RNA and DNA structures is that in RNA is ribose pentosenya, and the group bonded with the base adenine is uracil (no thymine). RNA formation process occurs under the influence of the enzyme RNA polymerase. After the RNA formed will be released nukleoplasma. There are 3 types of RNA are formed by the DNA, where each type of RNA has a different function, namely:
1. Messenger RNA (mRNA), working with the genetic code to the cytoplasm to regulate protein synthesis.
2. Transfer RNA (tRNA) to transport amino acids to the ribosome for protein molecules are used up.
3. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) to form the ribosome along with 75 other proteins.
If RNA molecules into contact with ribosomes, the protein molecules will be formed along the ribosome. Ribosome formation process is called translation. So in the chemical process occurs ribosome preparation of amino acids to form proteins.
2. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
RE is an organelle that has a membrane surface is very broad. RE consists of vesicles and tabulus that serves as the synthesis of proteins and fats. RE membrane surface that contains no granules called ribosomes and granuler RE / Rough RE and some do not contain granules called agranuler RE / RE smooth. ribosomes contained in RE granuler served as protein synthesis, was working for agranuler RE synthesis and metabolism of fatty acids and phospholipids.
3. Golgi apparatus (AG)
Golgi apparatus is also called the Golgi complex has a close relationship with granuler RE. A few minutes after the protein synthesized by the RE, will be transported to the Golgi vesicles are located near the cell nucleus. AG had to modify the function of the glycoprotein carbohydrate units and the police who directed protein sorting and in accordance with the appropriate place.
4. Lysosomes
Lysosomes are organelles vesikuer formed in Golgi apparatus that will spread throughout the cytoplasm. Lysosomes function as intracellular digestive system that will digest and dispose of materials that are not needed or foreign objects such as parts of dead cells or bacteria. Lysosomes have a lower pH than the cytoplasm.
Digestive function of lysosomes is carried out through acid hydrolase enzymes that can digest various organic materials into simpler materials such as proteins into amino acids and glycogen into glucose.
5. Peroxisome
Are small organelles found in the cytoplasm with a diameter of 0.5 m drafts have membrane. Containing oxidase which will react with hydrogen to form hydrogen peroxide (H202), also contains the enzyme catalase which would convert H202 into water and oxygen. Mechanism oxidase-catalase-H202 is essential for the synthesis of fatty acids into acetyl-coenzym A further entry in the Krebs cycle for energy formation. Organelles peroxisomes was also found in liver and kidney contribute to the process of gluconeogenesis (formation of glucose from fat / protein).
6. Mitochondria
Is a source of energy (power house) from the cells extract energy function of the food. Mitochondria are major organelles within the cell and occupies about 25% volume of cytoplasm.
Mitochondria have 2 layers of membrane, outer membrane and the membrane inside. Outer membrane has pores that allow large molecules to pass through. Membrane consists of the 80% protein and 20% fat and protruding into the.
In this bulge (Krista) there are many enzymes oksidatuf fosforilase. These enzymes play a role in the process of glucose and fat oxidation and synthesis of ATP from ADP. On the inside of the mitochondria (matrix) there are also many enzymes needed for the extraction of energy from the released groceries.Energy used for ATP synthesis.
Mitikondria also present on the DNA, the same as those found in the cell nucleus. This DNA that regulate the ability of mitochondria to conduct self-replication when the activity of mitochondria to produce energy increases.
Minggu, 01 November 2009
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